Unified Communications

Transform with Certainty

November 24, 2020

The November 17th Telarus Tuesday call welcomed Masergy senior product specialist, Shawn Cooke, to discuss Masergy’s Microsoft Teams integration options.  The entire recording is available here.

Who is Masergy?

Masergy understands that you need to compete in the digital age, driving transformation initiatives that increase collaboration, improve productivity, and reduce cost. Masergy UCaaS can help you achieve those digital ambitions and transform with certainty. As a concept, Masergy is a large strategic vision; they offer versatile hybrid solutions as it relates to voice along with SD-WAN strategies that bring security right to the customer’s edge. Over the last three years, Masergy has become much more agnostic as it relates to various forms of access.


Masergy is well known for being a global company:


Masergy and Microsoft Teams

With over seventy-five million daily users, Microsoft Teams enables employees to effectively communicate from any location via text chat, voice call, or video conference. While you can replace your company’s existing private branch exchange (PBX) telephone system, you cannot use Microsoft Teams without an additional PSTN service. This is where Masergy steps in, providing voice services in twenty-five countries with superior call quality, all while reducing management across disparate vendors. Below you can view a snapshot of what the Microsoft Teams landscape looks like:

Masergy has two options when it comes to Microsoft Teams Integration. The first option is MS Teams PBX plus Direct Route. This is their bring your carrier option, and they do not charge on a per-user basis for this direct route option.

Their second option is Masergy Hosted plus Integration. This is for those who want to keep their collaboration and telephony budget separate. The advantage of this option is that you get a consistent user experience.

Lastly, Masergy is also able to provide Hybrid Services Designs.

To learn more about Masergy, visit, www.masergy.com.