BizTech Next Level BizTech Podcast

Ep.125 Patrick Oborn's Lessons Learned from Running the Cocodona 250 Race- Part 1 of 2

July 19, 2024

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In this two-part special, Telarus co-founder Patrick Oborn shares his experience running the Everest of the world of running: the Cocodona 250. This five-day race involved tons of preparation, challenges, setbacks, and unforgettable moments. Don’t miss this amazing story and hear how Patrick draws important parallels for technology advisors.

Hey everybody, welcome back bringing back, bringing back a topic here: business blueprints from leaders. As you see here, we’ve got one in the off the with us today in the today oh Mr. Patrick Oborn, co-founder of Telarus. Welcome back to PKO. Hey, it’s good to be back man excited. We got to get some good stuff you have not had in the summer. You’ve been busy lately. There’s a lot of people else here there’s a lot of lessons learned there’s learn cool stuff that you’ve done I want our partners to hear about it so so hey we’re gonna talk about some of this some crazy running stuff that you’ve been doing do and and everything that kind of goes kind of that so you know you back on episodes episode seven you haven’t a lot of cool stuff cool at your backstory for a story that doesn’t know you that’s been living under living up all these years there’s a lot of good stuff good there’s some things you surprise us with so go back to episode 67 if you haven’t if you that but listen Ben you you ran a 250 mile race so we’re gonna get to that or that talk about that here so first of all though for those that for though what is what cocodona 250 what’s the significance and why were the third the hundred mile races you did not a knot that is a great question Josh so just backtrack a little bit and kind of pick up where episodes 77 left off so I had been running run some races and sis events some of the race some of those are static you know points point race points there’s another race called racing death the summer some which is a race or you write run a smile edge every day every and if you can survive that I have the mileage the next day goes up and up and up and up until when persons left so it’s a man standing then it could last months and if the few people just refused to use events so all of those were happening in half background since episode 67 and one and things that I that I’ve gone in my life I love is constant improvement because either getting better or we’re getting getting there’s there’s there’s no static that is quote there’s no snow a coast look you’re gonna get you’re gonna get worse and so you know both in business and in life like you want to look at yourself in the mirror or say I’m better I was yesterday today or you looking good looking I think I’m sorry I’m gonna was yesterday because let’s be honest right honest you can be honest are you you can fake it through through life through and you can fool people but you can’t you can get in the mirror here and I’m I’m just really sensitive with the mirror I look at there I look at Patrick that I see and I’m just kind of guy are you I are a business leader asleep kind of a dad are you at or have an athlete are you either getting better getting worse and worse aspects and so when people see the running that I do that I they might have a tendency to think that that I’m you I’m instrumental in life and that’s all I think about is running it is to the detriment of the other things and that thing’s false like I use I think as a way to get better so that I can feel and fire to get it or a dad to get better as a husband to get better as a business partner business leader everything or every because I want all of those things up in in parallel with each other each other and I’m like not a one or the other it’s not mutually exclusive and it shouldn’t be for our listeners either like see that I just focus on I want to be a good one and then let your business go business not because that’s what that’s that’s not what you’re here always and so every year I have here a really cool you know no internal meeting where we we we I’m speaking in the English we we we set be cells and so we go what’s our what’s our athletic goal what’s our what’s our business business you know and you know all of all my business goals we go the line with tellers to learn like launch like new products and bringing new thingy new partners being a dad it’s time it’s done with kids cam cations gin soccer game talk all that stuff and stuff being there for them spouse date nights like it’s all that stuff but but putting it some of that aside just for the sake of conversation and just focusing folks they’re running at the right back as the years they want I want to make sure that or that I’m getting better right I want the apex to happen it’s gonna happen eventually like every year I want your away at least it’s not this year I don’t know when that year is gonna be but it’s me but now and so so in the lowest six months several really cool things have happened we did the episode right right after that episode safe I’ve I’ve had a goal to go marathon on faster than three answers I like three three oh six six three oh seven I know that doesn’t eat you at all and I’ve been right on the cut on them so a friend of mine suggested I go run the big run a marathon on in southern California not the 100 the big the marathon everyone in southern California knows where in a bear Lake is it’s it’s fantastic Mountain Resort anyhow they have to you’re the top of the top and you run down 26 miles a mile barely Boston and a fire legal but but so I went and I ran that race and I ran and I 255 by and in November of 20th of 20 so I was just a few months ago I checked that box I got a faggot or marathon at age 51 that I never had in my 30s my 30s so so so very very fun then run after that started the sudden death December the stock competition where we go bigger and bigger and bigger and by by where he first there’s people left left me and one of my been one of friends named Michael and Michael Greer was third place at this race called the coca dona to finna to last year and first place it plays in 100 the year before the year so he’s very he’s well known in the known community and he’s he’s just a fantastic guy and we we this this competition very differently did he on the nine to five and a fob and so he had to he in his seat a nine a night every day so as the miles got miles and bigger he just kept cutting back his alarm clock earlier and earlier in her give himself more tough run but where I was I’m more pragmatic where I would run half of it in the morning more do some conference calls I’ll talk some of it like he just got a disc ran it and so it was so interesting that they just the pissed the runner versus the more pragmatic Matt gonna gonna walk some run some run and in the end of the day and with a little love little like like one it’s funny because funny be hands down is a better runner that are like he’s a better athlete than he’s younger than he’s me but at the end of the day and it was running so many so fast so fast started developing in all of these he pulled his pulled his his his hamstring glue he started actually having phlea had problems where I was just out there so it was it was Lee the story of stardust in the hair hair and so I gained confidence that was my second winner when the previous year I beat another young man in st. George who was literally half early age than half my age right and like like so so I know know that I can do things because of my mental men abilities right right my physical case is at least but my ability to set my side on a goal or focus on it like whether so so after all these things and I learned of a coca-dona to do it kind of from Michael Green Michael so I had a friend out of pain that ran the coca-dona 250 a fish here and invited me to pace him the last 10 40 miles and the last last 90 miles I know that sounds crazy and it sounded crazy to me what was even crazier is after channel partners in Las Vegas big literally that the channel that just got over on Thursday afternoon I drove night down south side driving back to Utah I drove south to Arizona to the area around flair around staff and then I crude him and then I missed him the last 40 months of coca-dona good and I was sitting I was thinking to myself so all of these people you see you coming through here just written it out they’ve already done twice as much as I might have done ever and I saw how wives I saw janitor jazz I saw I saw ever something and I was like the dedication care of these people have a full next level slow and I kind of and I really like wanted like like them I’m like I want to try what this exclusive club because I love people doing it and I saw my friend buffering finished the last 30 miles and I was with him when he crossed the cross line and the poignant part of that experience where in the last three miles we were coming and the flagstacks was an easy run by zero time everything was fitting everything was easy and I said basically oh my gosh gosh about to finish the coca-dona 250 50 what’s going through your phone right now now I go go why why did you even try to do this in the food this place and he said you know what you know I always teach my kids to do it’s hard things and I teach my kids you know it oh it’s hard enough if you don’t have a sense of fear here if you’re not scared if you’re not scared not your comfort comfort it’s the edge your head for zone you don’t grow it’s not beyond your comfort comfort zone he’s like he’s I had to do something to show thing – I could do something scary and 250 mile race hour don’t have 250 Phoenix to flag the fluff over the mountains as well next to the highway right right that’s it was created in 2019 and then I don’t think that in 2020 so 20 even five of them total like it’s it’s a new race and and 100s were kind of the thing ten years ago and then two hundreds are now kind enough the thing that the 200 them under up to 40 they kept the the Bigfoot to Bigfoot like there’s these 200s that are under is becoming these pretty popular a silver so the Cocodona 250 fist it’s on its outer edge it’s on the top of all of them and to make things a little harder it’s in Arizona in May in Arizona zone in February yeah it’s warm there so gets to be a little toasty – something very hard and I know thinking of what bar said I needed anything hard or something that scared me so I could set like example for my kids so I started thinking Patrick have you done something that’s not hard right right like like like work on the qs a case doing doing speaking engagements starting a business those are all hard things running a hundred running a races this is our that’s scary here as it does it keep me up at night and I scare answers no there’s no it’s it’s hard but we’ve done something in something you can do it can do why you’ve already done yeah just wake up rinse repeat I know I’m gonna have a hard day I’m gonna come home and be tired but I know I can get through it and I know I can know I push it and so so we go through life through life we stack up status these experiences and these little these accomplishments to the point where we were really we have a lot of confidence in our finabilities right I mean you should be confident you you’ve seen you feels seeing you know your management skills with your employees have gotten better and better your your side manner manner and and your approach in front of customer customer approach has gotten better everything better improved yeah so now you could go into a deal to it feeling a hundred percent confident why why because you’ve put in the word and you’ve you’ve had the successes and now your experience has made you into this conference person and so the same thing I was confident off but but you go to you good partner summit summit you you tend to spot similarities in our guest speakers right we’ve been our guest speakers like James Lawrence I aren’t a boy captain Ron after night you have a Kobe Bryant Kobe personal trainer you have all these people and peace what’s the common thread that all of them teaches it’s it’s all about being intentionally uncomfortable and bulging beyond being your comfort zone like comfort zone is like the enemy to enemy things progressive and rest life all thing off that help us help improve and so and you know just looking at my goals next year I’m like I think I do the cocadona 250 so one day day I was I was I was into my massage I miss her best who is a trail runner her and her husband they they around the country doing doing trial run trial runs it and she crewed and she like there’s likely not a novel in this area the prior is more about ultra running the needs of any of your body all that stuff than this couple and so and so she asked she what’s on the on 2024 count before I said I think I go you might go this is really hard but I think I’m think do cocadona 250 because again it was again is audacious leashes there yeah it was it was gone hard I’d only done a hundred hundred and I understand that 250 is 52 point five eight X X further than I like than I’ve ever night on so do you know I can do it no I can do 100 yes do I know to fit to fit it’s unknown I don’t know no so I told her I’m doing cocadona to get on T the next week she calls me on the phone and she says listen and Marty and I had a conversation common you want to do the coconut to 50 and can she me documentation that you’ve been accepted except that race not just big talk big you’ve been accepted in that race race Marty and I will clean up for the whole week the whole because you have to understand you’re not finding finding volunteers for a day they have it’s a different it’s like a PTO it’s Sunday to Sunday so so so you really get to test the test of the resolve is all commitment of your friends especially the crew chief the crew chief is the nucleus of the help so so they let so they know they would they would crew and and frankly that itself push over the edge to register for the race cuz next no if I if I figure out my part my yeah I will have the help that I help it so so push me over the edge I register for the race rate that about ten minutes after the conversation I sent her a screenshot of my register my reaching except a form and from November 10th of last year until L.A. like I knew for six months that’s my coconut to 50 in my future love it love surround yourself yourself with good peace good challenge yourself yourself and and do hard things because if you’re not if it isn’t isn’t a fear I think your point point you’re not gonna grow grow right if you’re gonna if you’re just gonna you’re just gonna decline fine on you’re declining so I love a good stuff so walk us through those of us that are not that you know I’ve been on our side I’ve 5k I’ve care this I’ve ever done right and it was hard so so just real quick real just a difference of train between you know of a 5k and going I want to get to a hundred let’s get to a hundred first what’s the what’s difference there the main different is the physiological strength you’re gonna put on your body when you’re doing 25k you can ignore a lot of things but ignore hydrate and you can ignore connector lights because this is over or we’re so fast that you can basically can live off of your glycogen stores or your body when you wake up in the morning your glycogen stores are pretty miserable you have you have you have salt have sugars you have you have hydration all and kind of clear them like the short-term cleaners but once you go over about an hour hour those that are now gone on and so you have to you know learn how to fuel your body so so in a marathon thought it’s gonna be longer than an hour so those people those fuel like they like things things electrolytes it’s and and and hydration to make sure they make sure they can feel through it because if your body does your bottom off hydration is that your kidneys are gonna she’s around if you have enough elect elites and salt your muscles will cramp up cramp if you don’t have enough food and cowden keys you’re gonna run out of calories and he’s gonna basically your back Lee’s gonna die and you die like by the wayside right so there’s there’s a lot of things that go in that guy as you guys younger distances and so as I went from you know marathon to 150k 50k 50k 100k under K on to 100 miles I had to learn how to to to feed myself basically like a way that that make my steak my revolt because you see a lot of people out of because because all of these things they were your stomach and your stomach is a really hard really organ to wrap your mind around Peter if you run hard your body will buy the blood and your muscles but you need to you need in order to metabolize calories your your stick needs blood blood and so you there’s a tug-of-war on your blood on your lie between your muscles and your mother muck and you have to get the balance right now is if your stomach wins then your muscles are gonna cramp up and stop or and stop if you’re if you’re muscles are mine your stomachs gonna have enough blood well you’re getting nauseous puke up all your calorie out and and your height like every like he’s gonna go wacko so so it took me a long time to learn learn all ends of those things those get up to a hundred and hundreds and instantly in fact even after you 700s I still hired a coach who taught me how to drink my weight my race drink my cow Mike is why cuz as fiber doesn’t get as energy fiber just requires blood and blood needs so it’s this this huge process to get to figure miles but once I have a one this um I got faster and faster fast now I can run the bare 100 and other hundreds under 24 hours in an hour five plus years to get to that point point but then you produce the 50 and now we have no hands to take it take yeah walk walk us walk okay so so we made it we made it to a mid you’re knocking out not under it’s your ludded shoot I got dude I’m good good I got a trainer now go to 250 would to it’s right on some paper two and a half how bad happy times the absolute longest you which for which people are still insanely long yeah so so now you introduce a new to me now you introduce protein because you’re going cuz you so long like in on that I never eat never eat I just eat sticky carbs and just some simple sugars just simple stuff to just keep muscles firing but for but for two days three days four days five you’re looking instead of a Wednesday event you’re looking at your multi I three four four day event so the coconut 250 to pay five day cut you just have to finish in under five days so you can read some of it stuff I mean it’s not really the thing is the thing moving however however you’re gonna protein second thing anything you’re gonna need sleep like I’ve never done a race where I had to sleep had to not even ten minute like there’s no so now it’s like I can’t go for tanks with no sleep like where do I sleep how sleep do I sleep where how is this gonna work like huge huge unknown and the last thing is thing in food food like I can’t take jiggles and goos and and and and sip on orange juice like I gotta eat a quesadilla a sadita burrito or you gotta eat real food something that long along and so I had to figure if what do you how to run tired how to run tired I had to figure out so it’s not so on training runs era and I’d purposely purpose fast food restaurants and eat a quesadilla in the middle of my run to see I can eat it without puging right right it’s like I had to train had to stomach had in my things I had to run tired and higher during during the spring that December event I so many miles and you know you enter here in Utah Utah it’s dark doesn’t come up for a while so a lot of my miles were in the dark so I would get to the point where I be honest to be away and I could kind of close my eyes and I could kind of make a can sleep so I taught myself to sleep run and kind of sounds wait wait wait hold on hold on hold on you taught yourself to sleep sleep now like I’m impressed with your we need a multitask eat but just shut down close your eyes keep your keep your stride the same now there’s a cab there’s any tiny pebble bowl and you’ll get and you will fall like so you have to make you absolutely sure of a few things you have to make sure you have to make that flat surface there’s no rocks no snow nothing nothing but but it’s you close you and I completely definitely it’s like 90% close so you can see see tiny little bit but it relaxes your mind and it literally helps the mild and my away like you’re like like one mile two miles you’re like I don’t remember I don’t that so you’re kind of slow it’s rain down you’re putting it on autopilot a little bit little autopilot it’s exactly perfect word okay okay so you see you’re you’re cooking you’re you’re how to get through miles quicker right right now now what now how do we make it to to get to D so yeah so just like with a hundred people say people run a hundred miles and if you look at a race bitter in I will show you I have a broken up into 13 stage jeans everyone to the stage of this has the start time time it has the time of day a estimated temperature so I know I’m clothing layers to have on to know to what my cuz cuz the temperature fluctuates or your or your gallons per ounce per of a fluid change a chain cold your fluid can kind of slow kind of on and it’s okay okay if it’s hot it’s hot has to increase dramatically you have to increase increase the electrolytes according to a quarter so there’s this plan and my plan just goes from here yeah it goes from a good team stuff seems really like 30 yes but and like everything and everything if you slight slice thing I spent a small enough achievable objectives div you can get through it was just this it was just doing a student scouting work talking to other people who’d run the race and trying to figure out what those 30 minis look like yeah there’s there’s there’s interesting pearls here that I’m thinking of right you know you brought up a point of in the beginning when we started about doing complex deals back in the back right working with work nurse none of us knew how to snooze big deals because hadn’t done them yet right a couple thousand bucks was a gigantic tan that was crazy but I your point we didn’t do didn’t big deals because maybe they weren’t they were yet and then as those presented themselves as providers enabled present to sell great technologies that allowed to allow these large deals I got confidence in but it and we knew we took we knew the sales cycle change a new there was multiple decision-making to keep tabs with and keep it’s influence on we knew there was also the boss the deal the more thing more go wrong on and so I think to your point hope everybody’s drawing parallels from this is from the oh of as I work through bigger and harder things there’s different things that I just haven’t just yet I need some help on right you had to lean on help you know I had to lean on that crew chief you had to leave you had we’re gonna get to the crew stuff here just a second second but there’s there there’s ways way people help you help get to where you hadn’t been yet and once you got there you go okay okay I learned a lot from there and maybe I you know the next the next do I’m gonna need a different crew or a different area that I’m gonna read and then I haven’t you know maybe different weather whatever what right there’s a lot to learn from that from that interesting parallels here as we get to get ready to get for that as that would do big and bigger things right at the end of the day just like our partners Bates and Jeff Bezos put their pants on it’s like at a time right so though everybody should notice from this and what they’re gathering so far is that or is anybody can do anything they want they want to your point I love I love the I love LLLs here so far there’s so examples that you’re pulling the do-hard doings it’s it’s it’s such a good track travel yeah I just yeah I look at it in the sense of of advisors getting into getting it swings of technology I mean it’s literally I’m going from 100 to 250 that’s it that’s a new swim light that that that’s discipline and and character and kicks and traits it’s do not exist not in the hundred-mile world that works don’t he just don’t need us to worry about eating food like that like need to worry about sleep you don’t need to worry about how we’re about things are not they’re not part of the program program now we’re in a or it’s almost a different almost poor in the speed of this people run the the aid stations like a 20-minute aid station it’s no problem an aid station for 20 minutes and a hundred freaking wasted can wait I’m like you want to make you’re in two minutes minute but 20 minutes kind of and you see the people and I was one of them that a plan that a hundred-mile strategy to the 250 and after 80 after else like almost broken broke because I was doing was my hundred-mile stuff and it it broke me but I need a different way to we need to rest I need to eat food I do it in a lot of different ways from differently early and when you go from you know no work to security from security to the AI you go from AI to conti center AI you go on to you can see go into into mobility all of all of the things they they’re this but they’re they’re different there’s difference just like there’s differences doing hundred and two hundred and the but you know that if you can do what you can well you should have a lot of complex in yourself that you can probably do the next do that well as well because it’s a it’s a business of really server tips not necessarily this isness of technology knowledge which is lucky to slacery because we have you guys but I didn’t I knew I do the do six right I read needed more knowledge and not variance and so I would run with food to see if I would puke I would ruin I would middle of the night to see if I get handle tight running right I think right to simulate you know thing in fact if you’re in Presidents Club in Mexico like I went running at noon from noon to two you not because it was some free time right but I’d run in the hottest part of the day because I didn’t want Arizona to be the first time for felt that he yeah like I wanted to experience at least believe what I would experience before it was real so it’s kind of the same thing in our world with the QSA you can go you can see what the questions look like and imagine if the answers might be like you should never really need to go into a new swimming where you haven’t at least practiced and simulated what things are gonna look like cuz you’re gonna need your need help but you also need to spare prepare preparation was was everything is ever even though I hadn’t done cocadona could ever done a 250 I’d never even never race in Arizona all of my races have been in you’d have been in other states but it’s for Arizona is a so there’s a first man for for this thing but but nothing I really experienced was novel and that was important I mean real quick I’ll quit some cool stuff I think stuff you’ve learned through through this about it’s a crew and team and we’re gonna get we’re gonna but as you as you did the waters water these the hard things or things new different dura-dura things or this new food program and and maybe it was scarce where you go my gosh I don’t know how my body’s my back to this I don’t know if I’m gonna do that yeah many times did you find that you got through that hard scary scary thing that you go oh wasn’t as bad as I maybe made it to be in my head like walk us to walk yeah there was a few times in the race where I got to some some new things one things was this race had raised insane amount of in a mince in between a betweens and nerds I used to think because it cuts it let’s go back in the Iron Man’s or man used to do when you get to the run for the run you need station every mile every mile they might have you stuff and then to the ultras and it’s like every seven every same miles I’m like whoa that’s like sometimes for this so I said I had some apprehension we’re gonna have to carry carry some stuff be self-sufficient but then I got to the 250 now we’re talking now what one stretch was 77 miles so you say no help no nothing over 17 miles mile what does that mean means you got to carry a care of ton of water so I’ve I’ve only had a one or two water bottles now I literally had a little a whole new hydrant pack it hold at least two and a half to three liters there is I’m in the race where I put my full my hack on with the full with the ball bladders black I literally feel like a human human water balloon like it’s so much water so what to prepare for this race I put like a 20 pound like like um rucksack like that I used to use for like Murph and and a crossfit and I would I would go do my do my in the mountains and stuff wins us 20 pound back down by because in the race I’m the rate of three liter water like Google what three liters three waterways for 77 miles and so it was it was crazy and even during the race rate like there was one there or should it wasn’t enough like I ran out it’s like oh no what do we know we’ll get to that in the mid-air but um but but but going going through those those long arches was just it was hard to prepare for but we go through when you when you made it to mails see little thing well things are be seeming every switch things right did they seem little kind of after going through it you’re like okay cool on to the next to the net or you know how does the the does the scariness care what that might have my diminish a little bit as you get through and come through that confidence for all right time for the next leg the neck I don’t think the scariness greenest way but my confidence in my my abilities to handle this handle things and creasing straight like I’ve done I it’s not to be easy yeah just because just done it doesn’t make it easier the next time it just means you kind of know how to approach it approach you know you can get to the thing get to line in fact during the event I was actually exact text from from James Lawrence iron cowboy who was a keynote speaker we’ve become friends and kind of sent kind of and and and one day I just picked up this pick and it called him I’m like I’m really scared man like I don’t know like you were like the day before you started your conquer your country I just I need to know what what my mind should be thinking right now he goes hey dude you’ve done it already he’s like you shouldn’t be scared at all you’ve done it you’ve done it under my letters like you should not it’s farther there it’s harder for I’ve done an Iron Man does it man travel on I just need to a hundred of them he goes and after I got to ten he goes into 11 was even was because I’d already done I’d are he’s literally used to you get you and you go and you jump into pump and you just start because you can finish you know you can do it and so when we ran and we were can’t you and I did a seven I did a mile loop trying to carry everything without getting any getting any gas stations or gas and gas right so so you see me like those silly things and you do your bad do you see you prepare yourself there’s physically and mentally and man but even still Josh after after all of that training that I did that I come the night before the race for the bill was like I don’t know if I don’t enough I don’t know if I’ve run enough everyone else I just don’t know if I’m going to this race with race money in the bank account I might go my I go bankrupt I might have to run out of no money so to speak in case of you know train of capability and everything else because the interesting thing about coca-dona which was also novel it’s to its 50 miles yeah yeah but you people don’t know is the quiz who everything that helps you they’re really they’re able to help you for the first 80 skills so the first 80 miles of my solo that’s almost a hundred right where people are helping you from mile 30 to mile now you got a different studio so so there’s really two dispute past that have your prep work because you because get yourself to my left me and then your crew have to be on task because usually if you leave you can get to 80 by yourself you’re not gonna be in the best in the gym probably gonna be a train wreck and rest leave by that point and now now they’re gonna have to take a broken person and get them and get a 200 or 170 mile you must have the finish so let’s all right let’s let’s jump into that then I want to talk about the taco right because you talked about like a crew that I had that I got 5k was it was and I’d drive there and can I drive home right that right that car was the crew so so vastly different right much much for accomplishments here Smith so how much of this excess finish of this goal would you say you attribute which prep you know versus kind of actual event and tell us about what it’s like what it’s like this 10-person crew is a cruise to these spore crews before before yeah so you know back to my to my race plan there’s 30 starts 80 also those segments are me or elf and the rest of them I have crew so what is crew just quilt for the part a 250 mile feels down to two real two important things thing taking care of your feet you’re taking care of your undercarriage we’ll just say it right because in phase you’re gonna go a lot and if you and if I sound weird and we have one bad white and leave some sleeves there it’s gonna chafe a and your race will be over will end your race like if you can’t walk you can walk can’t finish if you’re blister bliss heat up you can’t you shake them so you got to take care of feet you guys fear of your everything else so so your crew is is critical and that call it as every several crew date stage days plan on getting a fresh fresh pair of socks new lube and in between the toes and a fresh enough for shoes so so they’re kind of like your formula one every time before you don’t formula one car comes in our cup this is it for new tires and always and I said I need I need new tires every every stop stop because you have to keep them away from your feet your feet which means dry socks dry even your shoes that you wearing and start to accumulate sweat another thing others got to get rid of all your in order to have a chance and so I want to take real take really good care of my hair so I needed needed people that understood that I also need people to need understood basic human new human and what your body goes through in extreme extreme stances because this isn’t ordinary or attrition and so so Marty and Jen were the were the whole deal last year Marty or Martin a race called called crazy mountain and crazy man crazy race they run up in Montana in a very remote part of my heart if you’re having it haven’t news your crew has to be the one to fix them or else more on so so there’s their high degree of reliance on your crew for your craze and and exactly what what’s with them everything else also I need any crew who’s good at communication like it’s almost like a doctor visit visit tell me what your semi ways are tell me what you’re filming an automatic on how to fix and so you need someone like that again your Pacers the people that actually run with you you need people who are strong or endurance athletes in their own right they’d be able to go 30 to 40 miles that’s all of the average stint that they would run they need to be super strong they would need to carry to own stuff it’s a little extra food for me in case I right now I right plus extra stuff because I would be relying on my hair there or they’re everything like like they they wouldn’t they would just talk to me and tell me stories they would use they also communicate with me let’s figure out a plan oh you have to go to the back or then what’s the best plan to split till the next on the per do we place in the fourth form again it kind of sounds weird but over 40 period it here comes a huge yeah in the race um and and hydration being able to like foot to like on me because by the time I get to 100 150 mile my money to to self self police please goes down like I know I need to tell any lecture late every hour but man by that time I’m that tired I might go two hours or three hours and forget right by that time that’s a I may be eating a hundred and hundred calories every every minutes but maybe the last minutes only eight ten calories because I forgot I for like it’s basically say say there’s gonna be this to be the Patrick Rick and I need to know you can take care of that guy because he’s not gonna be able to do people and so having experienced people who understand that who can handle can own plus your stuff so they have so they they have to multi-multi they have to take care of two people at once once they got to take care of themselves because they got to make it make it but they also have to be really watch really me watch what I’m drinking watching I’m eating and not just sitting there worrying about yourselves and Patrick he knows what he’s doing like doing oh like they have to be so focused off on on those things so saying ending six runners that that can do that plus another two crew crew and then we had a bonus bonus of the crew which was the housing and and and the cooking part part so the way the crew started to assess it was Jen and Marty were first there the news there is then that was that was for December to start going to tell it to its holiday parties party and I went to a holiday party in Phoenix which X was fantastic party was on a roof ton of had a lot of great time celebrating to live their awesome year to meet our partners and foreigners and Arizona and his own role and Adam burr Adam the head of quest tech questions who you guys do a lot of work with a lot of weird MSP missiles end up on their pond weird licensing deals they’re kind of the Swiss Army knives so we do a work with them and they’re just and the people to work with he came up he can and together we pay a brand a brand from Evoque Technologies on his first Leadville 100 and so we had a lot I know a strong runner I’ve seen him in the wild why yeah you know he can do say anyhow he asked me hey what’s what’s the grace he goes cuz I’m training so I’m gonna I’m gonna do 100 next year my first year hundred I’m like Adam that’s fantastic I say honestly next races here’s his persona it’s the coca-dona 250 like what I’m like yeah and I said I do you want a pace a part of part of the group parties like do you have to do I was like sweet sweet so Adam Burke sign up five minutes later I’m talking to you Purdue his national manager same party cuz he’s also from the Phoenix in the fear and he said hey what’s your what’s straight I said funny you should mention it it’s an okey-doke 250 if it had him spade of me and he’s like well what’s like when I said well I’m I’m gonna rent an RV and we’re gonna have the crap on it you know set up in that and stuff he goes no no no don’t run an RV and I have an RV and our because you can use you can use the alcohol I’ll help and I’m like like are you serious because yeah I’m yeah dude I’m in he was me and cold and my son we’re we’re burbling like okay that okay awesome so so Brian was there there the certain different aid stations patients RV and Kobe and Claire and I don’t know if many people face but he’s like a quick work a craft like he’s he’s legit chef like you want why do like you want whatever you want cook it up and it will it will I mean it’s good so now an RV v we have an RV driver we have an RV at the oven assistant we have crew and so then I just went through my room ex a pacer sensor and add and a just a standing crew all crew had completed hundred mile races all but most importantly all of them have them I can do let’s think let’s sell mentality balance when you’re when you’re doing it when you’re tries especially with fresh leaves you’re gonna see people and they’re outside right there fit their ology their body is gonna be telling you I’m gonna quit but you can’t you let them quit quit and it’s hard to do that because when you see a friend in pain is a friend you want to take the pain away what you don’t want to just say just keep enduring in pain man just and so you to be working with people who already know that who are you know you’re you already know you’re gonna be in pain but but that person that son that Patrick that whoever that like you like help him along along as Patrick Patrick I want to quit even though his body wants to quit us to cannot let that happen you have to be a problem-solver and you have to be positive enough to be and you basically have to leave your physical energy and your mental energy to him and you define people that that could could have instead of just take or just maintain your own stuff and let them they couldn’t let me alone and so it’s basically interesting your bestie which is your future zombie self into people and bands that they absolutely try to lead and and once I got once I lined up maybe a month or so before the race or the race like I knew that at that point that I had to focus on doing my part like I had to go in physical and fit I go in knowing the corgis I had to go in knowing to use a GPX file on my phone on my advocate because not all the course is marked mark so now you have a navigation patient you have all the meetings and so though a sir’s primary job is navigate and I’m like look I will navigate my first day I for house but after that I just want to just follow you and no one no on course I want to waste any miles any down some some some rabbit hole and then hole and to redo them and everything and everything I want you to tell me when to eat once I want I want you to tell me to think like like I just want this to fly plane and autopilot almost that I and just take you to all the decision-making things by by by the 150 mile teamwork my was toast in fact that’s a fact story we came to a town of Jerome Arizona I don’t know you’ve ever had a room Arizona mirror it’s this old my old town and it’s literally built into the cliff of a mountain so this city is up on a mountain it’s in a cliff it’s it’s old it’s like right like it’s got that they got the back to the future of Marty McFly part two where they’re in the weather yeah yeah it’s it’s it’s literally like you go back you go time machine and they have an old shops that pops them shops and and and it’s literally like it’s like a it’s like yeah just from from the old from them and I was going to town looking in the shop shop and I swear people were people looking at me with old with hats like in every little shop every single house people turn and look at me at me and so I like Scott who has my pacer at the time like Scott like sell these people he’s like it’s 2 30 in the morning there’s there’s no one like there are people looking at a king and again I’m gonna find out a little later that there’s there’s there’s lots of stories of storone being haunted and I’m like and that’s cool because I saw because I really am a resident of that thing I literally sitterly them and I could pass a polygraph saw them and so your brain start rain starts to wander so you need people who can who care of you in that view whole state Wow we got a lot of good stuff coming I’m gonna talk about dilemmas the London and talk about scary stuff the night before before this is a good spot good pause pause this is gonna wrap this up we’re gonna actually break this into a two-part series we’ve got these we’ll much more good stuff to cover thank you for hanging with us so stay tuned stay next week sweetie back and we’re gonna cover part cover and you’re gonna see how this all ends hang in there